Thursday, October 2, 2008


My brother, Noah, recently wrote to me and asked me a couple of specific questions about my experience here in India. This got me thinking that it would be a good idea to post some journals about specific aspects of my time here. I would also like to invite anyone who reads this blog to send me/leave comments asking specific questions you may have about India or my time here and I will respond with a blog post. Some topics that I have already thought or been asked about are Buddhism in India; being a woman (or more specific, a Western woman, or even more specific a white woman from the United States) in India; violence; the series of bombings that have taken place in India; what I miss from home; what I see on a daily basis; the MSID school system (compared to my travels with CGE); and news articles. If there is anything you would like to hear about, let me know.

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