Sunday, December 28, 2008

MOM-ji and Me in India Photos!

Mom and I have taken so many photos since she got here (like 1000) so here is just a small sampling.  I still have to go back and post photos from the rest of my time in Phalodi, then back in Jaipur and then all the different things with Mom. So, these are just a few to wet your appetite! 

Christmas Eve bonfire, Kodaikannal
Mom and I eating "butterfruit" (avocado) on the way to Kodai.  The woman told us it "takes like ice cream."
Chai in Jaisalmer with Erik bhai, Vimla-ji, Surjan Ram-ji and Maga Ram-ji
Jaipur family! 
Mom and me at the Taj Mahal, Agra.  So beautiful.

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